Monday 16 February 2009

Do You Really Need a Website?

Web sites can require a big investment in terms of money and time, and creating one can be a big decision for any company to make.
When employing the use of a web design agency, it is essential that there is someone from your team who knows everything about the site and the budget and your requirements and who can be on hand throughout the working day to assist the designer. This can place quite a strain on the already stressful workload of an individual.
However, when implemented correctly, a web site can also prove to be a fantastic marketing tool for your business and one that can put you way ahead of your competitors.

It is not for everyone though, and we quite often get quote requests from people who don’t really know what they want and where the web site will be of no more value to the client than a free listing on a relevant directory. There are also those who require a website to act as a service, without realising that the market is already saturated with web sites already very successfully offering the same service. A new website offering this same service would require a huge investment just to make it noticed.
There are others who approach us with a fantastic ‘Google’ type idea and expect to pay next to nothing.

When thinking of setting up a website, you have to be realistic. You have to look at what is already available online – is there somebody already doing what you want to do, and if not, why not?

Another thing people should think about when considering a website is, will the site do more harm than good? If you do not put the time, effort and money in, a cheap, inefficient site can easily put off potential customers.

Here are some points to consider when deciding whether or not to create your website:

• Does my business need a website?
• What will my website do for my Company?
• Do I have the budget for a successful website?
• Who is my customer and will they have access to the website?
• Do I have the time to put into working with a designer now and do I have the time to update my website later?

Generally, you should consider creating a website for your Company if:

• An online presence will attract new customers and create new contacts;
• Your Company will benefit from a national / international audience;
• You sell products which can be sent directly to the consumer;
• You provide a service which will benefit a wider audience;
• Your customers will have access to your site and will benefit from the information you are sharing;
• Your customers will find it easier to access the site for their information than to contact you directly.

When done correctly and for the right reasons, there is no argument that the internet is a fantastic resource for businesses and the best way to establish new clients and contacts. Very rarely does a good business not warrant a good website.

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