The journalist spotted my blog about us moving from London to Knutsford, and thought he would come round to do an interview with us and have it as a kind of readers interest piece.
However, I must say, I find it the least bit interesting!
My blog, a few blogs down, was all about how wonderful Knutsford is and really went into describing how we felt, the beautiful countryside we are surrounded by etc. etc.
The reporter was at our house for more than half an hour where we told him very similar things to my blog, and yet he seems to have written about the most mundane and boring aspects of our life!
We mentioned that before we moved, we had not had any parks nearby and that we were surrounded on all sides by 3 cemetries. He has taken that point and written in bold 'I found myself in the middle of 3 cemetries'. Talk about drama!!!
And then he ends it with something like 'Mr peterson has soon learnt that Knutsford isn't a 24 hour town as he says "I went to the gym at 9am or something (OR SOMETHING!!!!) and was told the pool doesn't open til 12"'
Now that was the finishing line. How boring!!
The guy should have just blinking paid me and I could have given him a piece of my blog!!
The worst part is that we have actually been recognised all over Knutsford for this article. And so everyone is going to think we are so so boring, and like we approached them to do an article about us!
My driving instructor said that he had seem the pic of us and thought, with the headline as 'Couple moving up in life' (which I find appalingly patronising and insulting) that we must have won the lottery, only to discover that the article was about nothing at all. And two of my friends that saw the article read it several times wondering what it was about!
Oh dear, I will have to do something exceptional now to get in the paper and redeem myself!
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