We decided to get a rabbit because we couldn't have a dog and because I don't particularly like cats. We thought that having a rabbit would be the next best thing to having a dog but would be a lot easier and less responsibility. We could leave him on his own and he would generally take up less space and be less expensive.
Well, we got to the pet shop one evening after work, when I could not bear the suspense any longer. We got to the rabbits enclosure, and there, looking up at us was this tiny, cream rabbit with silvery blue patches and huge ears that just flopped in front of his face. He was literally a bundle.
The guy who worked in the shop informed us that this little guy was the last one they had and that we could come back in a few days when we would have more choice. As if I could leave him! And why, I wondered, was he the last one to be sold when he was just so so cute.
So he was bunged into a box and we took him home.
We decided to introduce him to his new home slowly, and so we sat the box in the middle of the living room and just opened it. Then we sat there and watched what he would do.
That little rabbit literally sat in that box for 2 hours! He took the odd sniff of the new air around him, but no, he was quite comfortable in that little box. It was his.
In then end, we tipped the box onto it's side and waited for the little guy to hop out. He took his time but eventually, very gingerly, he took his first steps.
Alvin, as we called him, then started making his mark on the place, literally, and we soon discovered where his favourite toilet places were so litter trays were positioned adequately, and little by little, as we discovered eaten wires and cables, and nibbled shoes, we rabbit-proofed the house.
The little chap settled in lovely and was so tame and friendly. He loved nothing more than to hop onto my knee and watch TV with me (as long as I was stroking his ears!)
He would get up on the back of the sofa and stroke my hair and lick my forehead - so so loving.
When his daddy (my partner) was doing DIY, Alvin just had to know what was going on and would help him out in his own special little way.
Whevener we had friends knock, he always had to answer the door first and find out who it was and what they wanted. He loved the attention that they showed him and loved showing off, doing pirouettes in the air and running full-speed like a locomotive back and forth through the house.
Yes, he settled in just fine.
He won't go to the loo in his cage - he's a very hygienic fluff. I've tried putting a litter tray in there for his own comfort, but after seeing he wouldn't use it, I took it out and freed up some space for him.
He also goes for little walks in the garden by himself and pretends to be really brave, eating grass and sniffing flowers, but the slightest movement or sound, he jumps up and runs back into the house. There he will start thumping his back foot to warn me that there might be a danger outside.
He is very protective of me too, and on the odd occasion one of our male friends has had to stay over, and
If I am sat down, he will come and nestle himself as close as he can to my thigh, pressing his little body into the side of me.
If I stroke him, he will pay me back by licking my fingers. How special!
Hmmm… Alvin and my partner don’t exactly have the same relationship! I think they compete for my attention a bit and have a love hate relationship. I know they love each other because on the odd occasion that my partner has time to stroke
But when I am there, and
He is also very cheeky with him. When my partner is in his office working away,
I look down at him sometimes and just wonder what would have happened if he’d gone to someone else’s home, and if we hadn’t have got to the pet shop in time. Would he have the same little personality? And had we got a different rabbit, would they have the same character? I think not.
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