Wednesday, 28 May 2008


Hi and welcome to my blog.
I'm new to this and have never done one before so please bear with me if I dont seem to know what I'm doing!
I've known I've wanted to do a blog for ages and just never knew what to write about - I still don't, but I'm sure over time, I'll come up with a theme - I hope so, or else this will just be boring!
Well, let's introduce myself.
I am currently living in London although this is soon to change as I move in 2 weeks up north.
I have been living with my boyfriend for 7 years and we are getting married in September!
More recently we have been joined by a little rabbit who lives with us. He's wonderful and a very energetic and loving addition to the household.
Err... what else?
I am designer. A graphic designer I think. How do you know if you are a graphic designer? I design greetings cards.
I dont have a job to go to when I move up North but I will keep you posted.
I guess I should tell you that I recently found out that I have endometriosis and that I cant have kids, well, not naturally anyway. Bit of a blow - well, a big blow actually but we are working through it.
If anything, at least it gets us talking about kids - a subject that was out-of-bounds before, and we have decided to focus on this once we are married.
We need to sort out my endometriosis first.

I am now sat in the artroom supposedly designing cards, although this is a very boring job. I mean, I love designing cards but we dont really have a lot of creative freedom and usually we dont have very much work to do because someone forgets to give it to us. Great opportunity to write a blog though!

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